We can also organize a private fishing charter is this is your preference or an extra activity to do while visiting Miami.
Each vessel can legally host up to 6 participants - so if your group is larger we can split the group into 2-3 boats,
or with advanced inquiry - gather 8-10 boats for a recreational fishing tournament.
Key Biscayne - into Atlantic
smaller boat - Coconut Grove
from $1250-1500- 2000 upon yacht size / type - including fuel and bait
Luxury fleet - inquire specifying budget (large vessel may have >50 gallons per hour of fuel use …)
max 6 ppl per vessel
Fishing charters take place on open ocean - rain or shine - so if you have motion sickness - I would recommend to change your mind into sailing - where we take you for a smooth and relaxing sail to calm waters of Biscayne Bay. NOBODY gets sea sick